There is no
Planet B
Our aim is to provide children with hands-on experiences and to gain a clear understanding about how important bees are to our world.
About Us
What we stand for
Bee1 has been established to address the decline in pollinators both locally and globally. Bees have now been declared the most important animals on the planet, and are now included on the endangered species list.
These little creatures make such a huge positive impact to our planet, if we don’t protect them – who will? Our job is to educate everyone as much as we can, and live in hope that we may be able to bring the numbers right back to where they should be.
About Us
How we can make a difference
As much as bees are central to our environment, schools are central to our communities. Working with Cardiff University Pharmabees project, we have access to invaluable educational resources. Our aim is to provide children with hands-on experiences and to gain a clear understanding about the importance of these amazing creatures and associated benefits. We offer ‘bee experience days’, talks and maximise the use of Social Media platforms and radio, providing information to help deliver a very clear message about the issues facing pollinators, and to help generate enthusiasm by encouraging children to take action.
Teacher Resources
We have curriculum-based content that has been specifically designed and developed by the Cardiff University Pharmacology Department.
You can use the approved resources that we provide to teach the children in your schools the importance of bees.